Mesenteric ischemia is a condition that occurs due to the narrowing or blockage to the arteries which supply the small intestine.
A decrease in blood flow can cause permanent damage to the small intestine.
Acute mesenteric ischemia is a condition that develops due to sudden loss of blood supply due to the formation of a clot. Immediate surgery is required in these cases.
Chronic Mesenteric ischemia is that which develops over time and is treated with angioplasty or open surgery. This chronic mesenteric ischemia can lead to weight loss and malnutrition if left untreated.
Acute mesenteric ischemia
Following are the signs and symptoms of the acute form of mesenteric ischemia :
- Severe and spontaneous abdominal pain
- Fever
- Urgent need to have a bowel movement
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Vomiting
Chronic mesenteric ischemia
Followings are the Signs and symptoms of the chronic form of mesenteric ischemia :
- Pain in the abdomen which starts about 30 minutes after eating , worsens over one hour and relieves with in 3 hours.
- Weight loss
- Loose stools
In case of sudden pain in the abdomen which is severe, medical attention is required. This kind of pain usually starts after eating. If you are experiencing any such symptoms, consult your doctor.
Acute mesenteric ischemia can lead to various complications if not treated timely. Some of the complications are:
- Sepsis. It is a life-threatening condition and is caused due to the chemicals released by the body into the bloodstream to fight infection. This condition is caused due to overreaction of the body to the chemicals. It leads to a series of changes that can cause multiple organ failures.
- Irreversible bowel damage. Reduced blood flow to the bowel can cause permanent damage to some parts of the bowel.
- Death. Both of the above complications are life-taking.
Complications that can occur due to chronic mesenteric ischemia are:
- Fear of eating: pain usually occurs after eating, some patients develop a fear of eating
- Unintentional weight loss. This occurs because of the fear of eating.
- Acute-on-chronic mesenteric ischemia. If not treated on time Symptoms of chronic mesenteric ischemia can worsen leading to the acute form of the disease.
Acute mesenteric ischemia can lead to various complications if not treated timely. Some of the complications are:
- Sepsis. It is a life-threatening condition and is caused due to the chemicals released by the body into the bloodstream to fight infection. This condition is caused due to overreaction of the body to the chemicals. It leads to a series of changes that can cause multiple organ failures.
- Irreversible bowel damage. Reduced blood flow to the bowel can cause permanent damage to some parts of the bowel.
- Death. Both of the above complications are life-taking.
Complications that can occur due to chronic mesenteric ischemia are:
- Fear of eating: pain usually occurs after eating, some patients develop a fear of eating
- Unintentional weight loss. This occurs because of the fear of eating.
- Acute-on-chronic mesenteric ischemia. If not treated on time Symptoms of chronic mesenteric ischemia can worsen leading to the acute form of the disease.
Acute mesentric ischemia
Embolectomy (SMA- superior mesentric artery) removing of clot from the blood vessel using a catheter mounted with a balloon. This procedure may be combined with removal of non viable instestine due to lack of blood flow and brining out the cut end of the instestine as a stoma. Bowel resection is generally done in combination with the surgical gastroeneterology team.
Throbolysis- In select patients strong blood thining medication to dissolve the blood clot can be delivered in to the blood vessel via specialised catheters.
Chronic mesentric ischemia
SMA (agnioplasty/ stenting) – Narrowed or blocked blood vessels can be opened with help of balloons. In certain situations stents are placed with in the blood vessel if the blockage is not staying open even after angioplasty.